Our Culture
At Seriously Comfortable we believe you do better things if you enjoy what you’re doing. We have a passionate, fun working environment which is always open to new ideas on how we can make people more comfortable.
Our team may have helped build some of the biggest home brands in the UK, from DFS and Dreams to Furniture Village and Carpetright, but we remain humble and keen to learn – every day is a school day!
We believe in building long term relationships with suppliers and customers alike and that only comes with a caring mindset. That’s why we have specialised in mattress toppers because they deliver all the comfort of a luxury mattress at a fraction of the price. We care as much about your pocket as your comfort.
We are a solution focussed business, always looking how to make things better rather than looking to find someone to blame.
We want to excite with our products and delight with our service and are never happy until our customers are.
All of this passion and care is poured into every product, to help us in our ultimate goal of making everyone Seriously Comfortable.